Remote Learning

In line with DfE guidance children who do not attend school will have a weekly timetable with an average of around three hours work per day, to cover a range of subjects. Work set will be in line with what is being taught in class, however this may be adapted to allow the work to be completed remotely. Work set will be meaningful and ambitious, relating to the year group expectations. Work will be set using writing tasks, focused maths work, video clips, worksheets, online video lessons and online learning challenges.

Children and parents will take part in weekly zoom calls to the Deputy or Headteacher and submit work throughout the week, they will have opportunity to give and receive feedback on the work set. Children will engage with their class via zoom sessions once a week to share learning and maintain relationships.  Parents will be expected to ensure work is carried out, checked and submitted by the set date. Parents will be expected to check in with the Deputy or Headteacher either through the Famly app or by uploading completed work.

Feedback will either be given during the zoom call as verbal feedback or on the Learning Journey on the Famly app as written feedback. We will gauge how well pupils are progressing through the curriculum using questions and work submitted. Following submitted work, we will adjust the pace or difficulty of what is being taught in response to questions or assessments, including, where necessary, revising material or simplifying explanations to ensure pupils’ understanding.

We continue to monitor and review our remote learning provision based on feedback from families and in line with DfE guidance.

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