Welcome to The Prepatoria Nursery & School

A warm welcome awaits families seeking an innovative approach to early years education. Children leave us capable, strong, resilient and confident, motivated and excited to learn!

Feel confident in their future

We’ve created an environment where instead of feeling guilty for leaving your child, you’ll feel confident in the investment you’re making in their future.

Their first years are so very important

By the time a child is three years old, the brain is 80% hardwired. Our synergetic ‘Prepatoria education’ approach lays the foundation stones for children from birth to seven years to succeed in later life.

Play is the serious work of the child

We created a school which gives our children and teachers time. Time to learn, time to investigate, time to stop, to think, to enquire, to create, make and do. Our children develop holistically, with resilience, self-awareness and self-confidence.

The Prepatoria Difference

We do things differently at The Prepatoria Nursery and School, here are 9 reasons to join us:

The Prepatoria Difference

We do things differently at The Prepatoria Nursery and School, here are 9 reasons to join us:

A warm welcome

The Prepatoria’s warm and supportive community will make you and your child feel right at home.

Beautiful learning spaces

Our spaces are carefully designed to be flexible and dynamic to support young learners with diverse styles.

Outstanding in our field

A team of exceptional educators work with our children from birth to seven, all led by qualified teachers. Ofsted have rated our nursery, pre-school and school Outstanding.

Family time

Freedom to take holidays any time of the year, without penalty of fear of your child missing key subjects.

No tests or ‘rush to the goals’

The steadier pace gives children time to explore subjects as deeply as they want to over loing periods.

Collaborative curriculum

Parents are collaborative partners in their child’s learning process from birth, the only ‘home work’ encouraged is reading with your child.


Our Reggio Emilia inspiration and unique curriculum means children become creative, innovative thinkers and each child leads his or her own journey of discovery and learning.

Value for money

Our fees are typically one third to a half lower than other independent schools and no need for summer holiday childcare or holiday clubs.

Always learning

Children never stop learning, developing, creating, imagining and understanding; we review, learn and evolve alongside our, and from our peers, to continually give our best early years support to children in our care.

Reggio Emilia inspired

The foundation for our education begins with love and respect for the citizenship of the child, inspired by Reggio Emilia philosophies. But, what does it mean to be Reggio inspired?

Learning beyond the classroom walls

We understand the importance and value of learning out of doors, the deep sensory and spiritual pleasure children get from engaging with nature.

Our unique curriculum

The Prepatoria curriculum recognises the process, not the product of learning. Our unique curriculum is not child-centred nor teacher directed, but one which originates from the child; a ‘negotiated curriculum’ between the child, parents and teachers.


We could not ask for a better standard of care and education

"Our son has been attending Shrewsbury Prepatoria since he was just under a year old. We continue to be blown away by the dedication of the team and the care and attention that he receives. The facilities are wonderful and most days he doesn’t want to come home as he has had such a lovely day."

Naomi Adams

The perfect environment for my child to thrive

"I visited a lot of nurseries and then walked through the door of Shrewsbury Prepatoria and instantly liked the calm and positive atmosphere. A home from home, everything about this nursery creates the perfect environment for my child to thrive and most of all feel happy and loved and safe. The settling in experience for my sensitive son was gentle, the staff put so much thought and consideration into understanding his feelings and building his confidence. Shrewsbury Prepatoria is an outstanding nursery."

Camilla Ditty

A real home from home

"The level of care and attention the children receive at The Prepatoria is outstanding. The effort and creativity that goes into the activities is fantastic and it feels like an extension to our family; a real home from home."

Andy Turner

An Innovative Approach


Our vision is to create a unique educational environment where all children are respected as individuals, with life experiences and relationships that have influenced their development, rights, opinions and the quality of life to date. Children learn best when they feel safe, loved, cared for and are interested.


– Jane Smalley, Principal


An Innovative Approach

Our vision is to create a unique educational environment where all children are respected as individuals, with life experiences and relationships that have influenced their development, rights, opinions and the quality of life to date. Children learn best when they feel safe, loved, cared for and are interested.


Jane Smalley, Principal



Outstanding in all areas

The success of our unique approach is evident in the progress all our children make. All three areas of The Prepatoria – Nursery, Pre-school and School and achieved outstanding in all areas following individual Ofsted inspections. Read about our approach and the full Ofsted reports.

Our Approach

At The Prepatoria Nursery & School, our children are listened to with respect, believing that their questions and observations are an opportunity to learn and search together in a continual collaborative process.

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The Prepatoria Curriculum

In writing our very own curriculum, we’ve interwoven the very best principles and practices from across the globe with our proven education methodologies to create an innovative learning experience for children up to seven years of age.

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Nursery Ofsted Report

“A nurturing and incredibly well-resourced play environment. Staff support babies’ communication skills extremely well and pay exceptional attention to their gestures, babbles and expressions.” Ofsted, February 2018, Infant & Toddler Centre, Rated Outstanding

Read the full report

Pre-school Ofsted Report

“Children thrive in this vibrant setting with the majority exceeding the expected development for their age. They gain excellent skills that prepare them very well for the next stage in their learning, such as starting school.” Ofsted, November 2017, Pre-school, Rated Outstanding

Read the full report

School Ofsted Report

“The stimulating, innovative curriculum has been designed to kindle pupils’ curiosity while ensuring the rapid development of a range of skills. It provides a wealth of rich learning opportunities. Literacy and mathematics are threaded through the curriculum and developed at every opportunity.” Ofsted, October 2018, The Prepatoria School, Rated Outstanding

Read the full report

Our Latest News & Notifications

Autumn at the Prepatoria

  It may look like a playground in a car park to us, but when you’re a child the world can appear very different. Just climb the bank, as I did today, and look around you. You may peer through...

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Events 2019

We’re delighted to present you with our exciting Events Planner for this year. Any other events added throughout the year will be notified to you by email or letter. Please check the booking details...

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An Inspector calls…..

What an exciting first term we’ve had at our newly opened school! Graeme and I returned to work, having taken our first real break in a long time, to a telephone call from Ofsted. With just seven...

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