Shrewsbury Prepatoria has been graded ‘Outstanding’ across all of our settings
We are delighted to be graded ‘Outstanding in all areas’ following our latest Ofsted inspections of our Infant department and Preschool.
Our latest Ofsted reports – full reports

Our latest Ofsted reports – Key findings
Please read through the summaries of the key findings below.
Infant & Toddler Centre
Summary of key findings for parents
This provision is outstanding
The provision is outstanding
Children receive excellent care and education. They are safe and secure in this stimulating, meticulously planned provision. Staff warmly welcome children and parents into the setting on arrival. Children confidently access a wide range of high-quality resources, inside and outdoors, that promote development in all areas. They are incredibly happy and content. Babies proudly take their first steps while staff offer support and encouragement. Toddlers giggle as they crawl into play tunnels, meeting their friends in the middle. They experiment with the sounds they can make, listening to their voices echoing back as they play. Older children are absorbed in their learning as they make dough in the garden. They explore the different textures and talk enthusiastically to staff about what they are doing.
Summary of key findings for parents
This provision is outstanding
Children attending this pre-school are immersed in an environment that nurtures a love of nature. Staff have high expectations of every child. They nurture children’s curiosity about the world around them and take them on a journey of endless opportunities to explore. Children discover caterpillars that drop down from the trees in the stimulating outdoor learning environment. Staff teach children about the life cycle of a butterfly through imaginative activities that embed their understanding. Children have meaningful discussions with staff about fruits that are seasonal, and discover that British plums are not ripe until the autumn. Children’s behaviour is exemplary. They show respect for one another and demonstrate impeccable manners. Staff are excellent role models. They teach children how to be polite and share resources. There is a strong key-person system in place that supports secure attachments and helps children to feel safe and loved. Children develop excellent self-help skills and independence that support the next steps in their education. They make choices about their learning and attend to their own needs at mealtimes. Children find their own named place mats and collect their cutlery. They use cutlery with precision. Staff teach children about the serrated edge of a knife and how to use tools safely.