Pre-school – taking risks, thinking creatively, provoking discovery
The pre-school years are built on the firm foundations of emotional well-being, independence and a drive to discover and learn. Skills developed through interactions in our Infant and Toddler Centre now mean these children are ready to fly in our dedicated pre-school.

from three to four
Pre-school children learn best when they are part of the learning process.
Collaboration, negotiation and hypothesis define the curriculum. What happens if, why and how are key questions which must be answered. Our skilful teachers don’t simply provide answers, understanding that proposing further questions enables and encourages the development of creative and critical thinking.
The Pre-school department is an exciting indoor and outdoor environment. An Atelier of Taste, doubling as our community dining room, provides opportunities for children to learn about food and the senses. Children will investigate food, tastes, sounds, sights and smells. Cooking and science lessons take place here and children are challenged to think differently about the food they eat. All children, except babies, share this community dining space to enjoy meals with their teachers, supported by our wonderful catering team.
Our Atelier of Taste is more than a place to eat, this is a space for sharing food, happy chatter and where independence and the love of learning are all fostered.
The Garden Studio is a space loved by all. This outdoor Atelier space is used flexibly by the whole setting. Changing from season to season, it may be used for art one summer, then for al fresco dining the next! This space is changed to suit the needs and wants of the children, so when they wanted a beach, we gave them a beach!
Frequently Asked Questions
What are your opening hours and holiday dates?
The Prepatoria facility is open 50 weeks of the year, Monday to Friday, excluding Statutory Bank Holidays. We have a shutdown period of five days at Easter and Christmas and two Professional Development (PD) days.
Opening Hours:
Nursery and Pre-school (6 months to 4 years)
Monday to Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm Standard Day with additional Late care service until 6:00pm daily.
Morning sessions 8:00am to 12:00noon
Premium morning session from 8:00am to 1:00pm
School (Reception, Year 1 & 2 – 4 to 7 years)
Monday to Friday 8.45am - 3.30 pm
Do you take children on outings?
Yes, where a visit or outing can enhance the experience of a particular topic or theme or help children develop particular skills, we are keen to provide those experiences. We have our own minibus and have in recent years, visited local parks and hills, forest schools and gymnastics sessions off site.
What do your fees include?
Nursery and Pre-school fees include meals. However, not included in our provision is the supply of nappies, nappy cream or formula milk.
School meals are charged at an additional daily rate which is a contribution to the costs.
What are the ratios of staff to children?
For babies, the ratios of staff to babies are 1:3, Toddlers are 1:4, Preschool and Foundation Unit are 1:8 and School are 1:12. We also have kitchen staff and other supernumerary staff to help with some of the general duties looking after the environment so staff can continue to spend meaningful time with children during mealtimes and throughout the day.
How will you inform me of my child's progress?
Children’s learning, progress and observations are updated throughout the day on our nursery software app – FAMLY. Our parent app is centred around a unique personal news feed, making it easy to stay in touch and work together.
Parents are also invited to parent and teacher meetings to discuss progress and given annual reports outlining your children’s progress and development.
We also feedback general information at the end of the day. Should we have any concerns you will be invited for a chat with your child’s key person.
What types of activities do babies take part in?
The babies take part in a variety of sensory, heuristic, and interactive activities both indoor and outdoor, these focus on each child’s characteristics of effective learning and their own interests.
What items do I need to bring in for my child when coming to nursery?
We ask all parents to provide an adequate supply of spare clothes which are labelled.
- Nappies and cream (wipes are provided)
- Pull ups only if toilet training
- Bottles & formula
- Wellies
- Waterproof suit
- Comforters such as dummy & blanket
- Sun cream & hat
Do you have a settling in process for new children?
For reserving a place for a baby we ask that parents make a further commitment to the principals and philosophies of the Prepatoria by attending either Baby drop-in sessions or settling in sessions.
Currently these are held free of charge, but we reserve the right to review this should settling in prove protracted.
Do you provide discounts?
A sibling discount is available for the oldest child.
Do you offer term time only?
We are open all year round so do not offer term time places only.
If there’s anything you’d like to know about Shrewsbury Prepatoria that’s not covered here, please contact us – we’ll be happy to help.