Waving at Tractors


Waving at tractors.

I must have one of the only jobs in the world where it is not only acceptable but expected that I should stand at the side of the road and wave at tractors. Of course it is a much more acceptable practice when holding the hand of a small and excited three year old.

And as I stand, waving at tractors I reflect on my role. As the owner and a teacher of the Prepatoria my role is varied, my desk beckons, with letters to open and invoices to pay. The emails flash up demanding attention and staff appraisals sit on my ‘to do list’ patiently waiting to be ‘done’

But right now, I’m waving at tractors and feel enormously privileged to spend time with these small people and to be having some of the most incredible conversations I have ever had.

As the tractor disappears from view I say, ‘wouldn’t it be great to have a tractor come and visit us at the Prepatoria?’ Matilda looks up and says, ‘Oh no Mrs Smalley, if a tractor came to the Prepatoria it would squash all the toys and then it would squash you and you would get very dead and you would have to go to heaven with my cat…….and I would be very sad, but you could see my cat!’

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