During our November inspection last year the Inspector had the following comments to make about the effectiveness of Jane Smalley’s leadership and management:-
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. The manager and staff show an in-depth understanding of how to protect children from harm. Safeguarding procedures are robust and staff keep their excellent knowledge of child protection up to date.
The provider gives the highest priority to the ongoing suitability of herself and her staff to ensure that they are suitable to fulfil their roles. The provider is extremely proactive in sharing ideas with staff.
Staff have daily opportunities to reflect on children’s learning to help ensure that the outstanding quality of teaching and learning is consistently maintained. Comprehensive assessments of children’s development show they make exceptional progress.
The provider evaluates all aspects of the high-quality provision and uses the information to enhance children’s learning experiences. She plans to develop the outdoor area even further to extend the already excellent learning opportunities for children who enjoy learning outdoors.
For the full Report Click here.