Ofsted Inspection – Summary of key findings for parents

Our latest Ofsted Inspection took place on 21st November 2017 – we are delighted to have been awarded Outstanding in All Areas.

Here is the summary of what the Inspector had to say about our Outstanding Provision.

The experienced provider [Jane Smalley] is an inspirational leader and strives to maintain the unique qualities of the provision. Staff are passionate in providing an exciting environment for children to play and learn. Children are extremely happy and engaged at all times.

Staff form excellent partnerships with parents. They fully participate in all activities and are completely involved in their children’s learning and development. For example, staff provide a wealth of innovative ideas that parents can use to support their children’s excellent progress at home.

Staff are knowledgeable and inspiring and show amazement at the wonderful and incredible things children do. They support children’s mathematical skills extremely well. Children learn how to trace and recognise numbers and enjoy learning about them.

Staff manage children’s behaviour exceptionally well. They set consistent boundaries in their approach and have high expectations. As a result, children’s behaviour is exemplary.

Superb questioning from staff helps children to extend and challenge their thinking and literacy skills. Children confidently write simple sentences and begin to read and blend letters together.

Staff have developed extremely effective arrangements for sharing information and working in partnership with other early years professionals. This helps to precisely identify all children’s needs and enable them to flourish and achieve.

Other extracts from the Report may be found by clicking on the titles below

Leadership and Management

Quality of Teaching

Personal development, behaviour and welfare

Outcomes for children

For the full Report Click here.



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