No room at the Inn – Our 2017 Nativity #3


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Nativity Rehearsals 3 – 27th November 2017

Oh, the Christmas spirit! What fun our rehearsals are turning out to be. This week we’ve had an angel who wants to be a shepherd, flatly refusing to wear the angel costume her parents brought, though she did agree to sing Twinkle Twinkle with the other angels. And Now we have an ad-libbing Inn Keeper! So, here’s how it went…

Half way through the scene where Mary and Joseph knock on the doors, cue to me to start making knocking sounds as they move across the stage, they reach our Inn Keeper, I knock loudly, and he pretends to open the door. At this point he is supposed to say, “You can sleep in the stable” instead he announces, “No room in the Inn” a gasp rings out, the other children are shocked, he supposed to let them sleep in the stable! Then he smiles magnanimously as he says, “It’s ok, you can sleep in the stable”

More to follow so keep a look out…

Nativity Rehearsals earlier editions here if you missed it them

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