Our 2017 Nativity

Nativity Rehearsals 1  – The story of Christmas

14th November 2017

Nativity rehearsals have begun for our first ever Nativity performance. We set the scene for children by telling them the story of the first ever Christmas, which children have really been enjoying. Of course, there was a little confusion at first when one small child asked, “Was Santa born in a stable too?”

Other questions, equally unexpected, have popped up throughout our story telling sessions and it is these questions that tell us how little or how much children really understand, I asked, “Can you remember what presents Jesus was given by the three wise men?” The answers were as surprising as the look on my face, “Was it a baby?” “Was it chocolate?”

I really must hone my story telling skills!

But my favourite response of the day from one small child, to the question, “Why did Mary and Joseph have to ride on a Donkey?”  was …

“Because they couldn’t get a taxi!”

More to follow so keep a look out…

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