The 1001 Critical Days, is a cross party manifesto which looks at the importance of the conception to age two period of life. The manifesto identifies a number of critical areas for support for pregnant women, families and children. Evidence tells us that where a child suffers stress, abuse, neglect or deprivation this may have a life long affect on the child. Research shows that, ‘when a baby’s development falls behind the norm during the first years of life. it is more likely they will fall even further in subsequent years’
Caring for children is an incredibly important role and even more so when caring for other people’s children. We understand that children learn best when they feel safe and loved, and this is a key theme of the manifesto. Having even one secure relationship can make all the difference to a child. At the Prepatoria we support this be ensuring that each child has a key person. That key person takes time to build a relationship with the child that creates a secure emotional base. From this base children can explore other relationships, the environment and even ideas. Occasionally a child is assigned a key person but actually prefers another adult instead. In these situations we allow the child to choose who they feel special and closest too. The agenda tells us that families matter to children and families matter to us. We must understand and value the incredible relationships that parents have with their child. We know that the parent knows the child best of all. We offer every new parent, who joins us, the opportunity to attend free weekly Baby Drop-in sessions. In this way we can get to know a baby over many months before they are ever left for the first time. These are just a few of the things we are doing to support children and families at a crucial time in the child’s life.