The parents’ guide to choosing a nursery.

Book coverDeciding to use a nursery or return to work is probably one of the hardest decisions a parent will ever make. You will want to make sure that the nursery you choose really does have your child’s best interest at heart. But how can you really know what the right place is? Of course you can go on your ‘gut instinct’ or a recommendation of friends or family. What might really help is to have an expert in the industry on hand to guide you through the process. My book, The Definitive Guide to Choosing a Nursery, is just that. Written from my experience as an Early Years trainer, lecturer and consultant, the book provides a step by step account of what a high quality setting should look like. It also lists a set of important questions to ask as well as some useful tables and tick lists.

Take a look at this complete guide before visiting a nursery, it may save you a lot of  ‘what ifs’ later on.

Available from Amazon UK, and Createspace

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