Our brains are hurting!

This week during Circle Time [Teacher-led sessions] we have been focussing on Phonics. We use the fantastic ‘Jolly Phonics’ program to introduce our children to the 42 sounds of the English language. Children quickly learn to make and recognise the sounds which are taught in a variety of interesting ways. Each sound has its own story, song and action. Little ones love to sing the easy to remember songs and practise the actions.

We have also been looking at the different animals and insects that hibernate. The children were fascinated by the idea that some creatures sleep all winter long. The children quickly realised that playing out of doors in the winter had some beneficial side effects. I was told, ‘Miss Astbury we won’t get stung by Bees and Wasps’ ‘That’s right’, I agreed. And then one little one asked, ‘Miss Astbury, do Wasps sting Bees?’


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